
The search for the perfect hiking-gear is the reason why NorTent stopped searching and instead took the matter into their own hands to produce their own gear. On many of their trips, they have often been annoyed by tents and equipment that have either been too heavy, too cramped, too flimsy, too difficult to set up, etc. There is always something. The perfect gear in the wild for NorTent is spacious, lightweight, safe, easy to set up and of course comfortable, Equipment you can rely on in any situation, all seasons. After all, it is all about having the right equipment in the bag that promotes the feeling of well-being when you are walking in the mountains or deep forests.
If you have a comfortable trip, the experience and memories are easily brought to the next expedition. And the urge and yearning for the nature becomes even stronger. For NorTent, it is important to be able to stop where ever they want, stay overnight where they want, make camp, and know that everything is comfortable and safe. Crawl into the sleeping bag warm and be satisfied without worrying about a storm, rain or cold. Yes, now we are talking about the exceptionally good feeling of being free together with nature.
Designed for easy and light packing, as well as being robust and of highest quality to give you comfortable shelter in the toughest terrains and weather conditions. NorTent customers can be found from around the world. Proven and tested tipi shelters!
NorTent Collapsible Steel Stove 3.9kg
The NorTent Steel Tent stove is made of stainless steel and is otherwise identical to the titanium s…
370,00 €
NorTent Collapsible Titanium Stove 2.3kg
The updated version of the NorTent Titanium stove replaces their previous stove and makes camping an…
650,00 €
NorTent Gamme 8 PolyCotton Floor
Fully enclosed floor for the Gamme 8 PC gives enhanced protection against insect and moisture from t…
105,00 €
NorTent Gamme 8 PolyCotton 15.4kg
NorTent Gamme 8 PC (Polycotton) is made of a breathable mixture of polyester and cotton, which provi…
1990,00 €
NorTent Helleren Tarp Extreme
Nortent Helleren Extreme Tarp is a great choice for those, who want an ultralight option that protec…
290,00 €
NorTent Gamme 6 PolyCotton Floor
Fully enclosed floor for the Gamme 6 PC gives enhanced protection against insect and moisture from t…
139,00 €
NorTent Gamme 6 PolyCotton 13.5kg
NorTent Gamme 6 PC (Polycotton) is made of a breathable mixture of polyester and cotton, which provi…
1750,00 €
NorTent Lavvo 6 PolyCotton Floor
Fully enclosed floor for the Lavvo 6 PC gives enhanced protection against insect and moisture from t…
139,00 €
NorTent Lavvo 6 PolyCotton Tent 8.5kg
The NorTent Lavvo 6 PC (PolyCotton) is made from a breathable blend of polyester and cotton that pro…
1100,00 €
NorTent Grue Stainless Stove 17kg
NorTent stainless stove is perfect for those who want an efficient heat source in the "basecamp". Wi…
749,00 €
NorTent Gamme 8 Floor
Ground sheet, Footprint for NorTent Gamme 8 makes the shelter partially enclosed and thus protects f…
159,00 €
NorTent Gamme 8 Inner Tent
With the Gamme 8 Inner Tent, you have better control over the air quality inside the actual tent. In…
379,00 €
NorTent Gamme 8 Winter Hot Tent 12kg
NorTent Gamme 8 is a spacious, 4-season shelter for extreme conditions for 8 to (6) people with stov…
2190,00 €
NorTent Raincap with Extra Spark Arrestor
Optional Raincap for all titanium rollup stove pipes, prevents parks and also comes with 3 x attachm…
39,90 €
NorTent Titanium Rollup Stove Pipe
Titanium Roll Chimney Pipe for stoves as a spare - maybe you broke or lost your original. Made from…
95,00 €
NorTent Lavvo 6 Carbon Center Pole
If you want to travel even lighter with your Lavvo 6, it’s time to have look at the center pole made…
195,00 €
NorTent Lavvo 4 Carbon Center Pole
If you want to travel even lighter with your Lavvo 4, it’s time to have look at the center pole made…
149,90 €
NorTent Gamme 4 Floor
Ground sheet, Footprint for NorTent Gamme 4 makes the shelter partially enclosed and thus protects f…
139,00 €
NorTent Koie 7 Inner Tent
Koie 7 allows the use of two inner tents on both sides of the shelter. This makes the Koie 7 very ve…
49,00 €
NorTent Koie 7 Hot Tent 3.6kg
NorTent Koie 7 is a stable and windproof shelter model with wood stove readiness. Koie 7 has three e…
750,00 €
NorTent Bivuakk Inner Tent
NorTent Bivuakk is an open shelter, a tarp or a completely enclosed tent - it can be installed in a …
149,00 €
NorTent Bivuakk
NorTent Bivuakk is a 3-in-1 solution for those looking for lightweight and multifunctional shelter o…
450,00 €
NorTent Gamme 6 Floor
Ground sheet, Footprint for NorTent Gamme 6 makes the shelter partially enclosed and thus protects f…
149,00 €
NorTent Gamme 6 Inner Tent
With the Gamme 6 Inner Tent, you have better control over the air quality inside the actual tent. In…
269,00 €