Hukka Design

Hukka Design manufactures wellness, sauna, cooking and gift products made of soapstone, over 2,3 billion years old natural stone. Hukka Design's factory is located in Tuupovaara, north-eastern Finland.

As our ancestors moved to what now is known as Finland they started using soapstone first for fireplaces, cooking utensils and religious items. Once the industrial revolution came they forgot the magical stone as they got their pots and pans made of iron and other materials.

But soapstone was not completely forgotten, it only needed a visionary person with a little bit of stoneage caveman in him to see the potential of the stone. Jokke Ahti, who originally was a salesman, came to north-eastern Finland and decided, that there is still some magic in this stone.

Hukka Design was created and from this humble start over 25 years ago has developed world leading soapstone small items manufacturer.

Now people all over the world have the possibility to acquire piece of unique Finnish nature. Every item is carefully designed and manufactured to bring beauty and joy to person’s life. As Hukka soapstone is all natural material every piece is unique. Being part of ancient nature also guarantees, that every Hukka stone item is pure natural product with no added chemical substances.

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